TMN, 2015, Issue 2: Introduction to Earned Duration
Submitted by Mario Vanhoucke on Thu, 06/11/2015 - 19:47
In this article, published in 2015 in The Measurable News, the novel concept called the Earned Duration Management (EDM) method is discussed. This concept is initially developed by Khamooshi and Golafshani and published in the International Journal of Project Management. For the readers of Measuring Time, it is important to know that this approach is totally different from the well-known Earned Duration method of Jacob, despite the almost similar name. The EDM is an extension of Earned Schedule and since the new concept is not very widely known, it is therefore promoted in this article. In a second very similar article, this text is written in Portuguese for MundoPM. Click on the picture below to download the article.
For more information on this concept, the reader must first have an understanding of how Earned Value and Earned schedule works, and is therefore referred to other articles at PM Knowledge Center. The reader best starts with the article “Earned Value Management: An overview”, and follows the links for more details.
Figure 1. The Measurable News, 2015, Issue 2 (click on this picture to download)
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